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“Vincent” (1982) is a captivating stop-motion short film directed by Tim Burton, showcasing his unique gothic style and storytelling prowess. The film follows a young boy named Vincent Malloy, who dreams of being like his idol, Vincent Price. Narrated by Price himself, the short combines dark humor with a whimsical, macabre aesthetic. Burton’s use of stop-motion animation brings Vincent’s eerie world to life, creating a visually stunning and atmospheric experience. The film’s poetic narration and striking visuals capture the essence of Burton’s early work, making it a beloved piece among fans. “Vincent” not only highlights Burton’s creative genius but also pays homage to classic horror and the influence of Vincent Price. This short film remains a testament to Burton’s distinctive vision and his ability to blend the eerie with the endearing. 🎬🖤

Enjoy the gothic charm and creativity of “Vincent”!

Vincent is a 1982 stop-motion short film written, designed and directed by Tim Burton and Rick Heinrichs. At approximately six minutes in length, there is currently no individual release of the film.  Source: Youtube

“Vincent” (1982) is a captivating stop-motion short film directed by Tim Burton, showcasing his unique gothic style and storytelling prowess. The film follows a young boy named Vincent Malloy, who dreams of being like his idol, Vincent Price. Narrated by Price himself, the short combines dark humor with a whimsical, macabre aesthetic. Burton’s use of stop-motion animation brings Vincent’s eerie world to life, creating a visually stunning and atmospheric experience. The film’s poetic narration and striking visuals capture the essence of Burton’s early work, making it a beloved piece among fans. “Vincent” not only highlights Burton’s creative genius but also pays homage to classic horror and the influence of Vincent Price. This short film remains a testament to Burton’s distinctive vision and his ability to blend the eerie with the endearing. 🎬🖤

Enjoy the gothic charm and creativity of “Vincent”!


Vincent is a 1982 stop-motion short film written, designed and directed by Tim Burton and Rick Heinrichs. At approximately six minutes in length, there is currently no individual release of the film.


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