Artist Trent Shy of Charleston, South Carolina, makes gruesome horror claymation films. His productions include everything from promotional videos for horror festivals to parodies and tributes to classic horror movies, with fan favorites including his Monster Zombie Claymation video on YouTube — which has been watched over 2 million times. Source: 60 Seconds Docs
Rick & Morty Claymation Halloween Short is a Trippy Horror for Summer Screen RantRick and Morty Claymation Halloween Special Director Interview GizmodoNew “Rick and Morty” Claymation Horror Short to Premiere on Adult Swim for Halloween Bloody DisgustingA Claymation Rick and Morty Horror Short is Coming PRIMETIMERRick and Morty Gets a Nightmarish Claymation Short for Halloween CBR - Comic Book ResourcesView Full Coverage on Google News...
10 Creepy Stop-Motion Films That Scarred Childhoods, According To Reddit Screen Rant...
10 Best Stop-Motion Movies Like Wendell & Wild Screen Rant...
'Mad God' and a Look at the History of Stop Motion Horror Bloody Disgusting...
Hellraiser Fan Page
Hellraiser Fans Only Collection. Check out this collection of videos, images, news and merchandise for Hellraiser.
Scaring Trick or Treaters Scarecrow
This Halloween Fan teaches us to dress up as a scarecrow and scare the bejeebers out of trick or treaters. …
Plague Doctor Costumes and Accessories
Celebrate the Fall Season with these affordable Pillow Covers. Decorate the couches and beds with the lovely Fall Pillow Covers.